Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Charette Cart Came 'Round

When we met on Sunday we had decided to come prepared with materials to have a 3D brainstorming session, a charette.  We talked briefly about various inspirations we've had or found regarding the emotional goal we have for our project.  We then broke up to individually start making something, anything, that had to do with our goal of creating a physical system/object that facilitates an emotional connection to technology, particularly solar energy and heliotropism.

This is what we made:







After what I'm fairly certain was an hour of intense cardboard craftery, we came together to talk about what we'd made and what we'd thought about while we were constructing.

We ultimately chose the form that Lindsey came up with.  A chair that, when unused, is a heliotropic solar surface, but when an individual comes near it folds into an interactive chair.

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