Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Photo and Video Archive on Flickr

Since I already had an existing Flickr account where I post pictures and video I take, I felt it was pertinent to have a Smartsurfaces specific set.  I've been posting images from the past two weeks.

The link below is the set in which I've specifically uploaded images of projects from the class.  I'm fairly positive I've allowed all content to be downloadable.  If there's anything that any of you have difficulty in downloading or using, or even just something you'd like me to record and post, please let me know.

Smartsurface Images

This is just an example of some of the pictures I have taken, and will continue to take.  This is the breadboard setup from the Heliotropic Light Tracker project from last week.  We used six LDRs, three for each axis of movement, sending information to the respective servos.

The board is confusing, but using a single breadboard allowed us to localize all of the wires.

I will try to find the time to put accurate descriptions of what is included in the pictures and videos.  This was, admittedly, not the most helpful or clear shot of the circuitry we used, and I will try to take much clearer and direct photos in the future.

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